The Book of Enoch: The Seers - Chapter 15

 1.         Then I saw a vision

and beheld a second palace

greater than the previous

appeared before me.


2.         The entryway opened before me

built of flames of fire.

This excelled in its splendor and magnificence

to the extent I cannot possibly describe.


3.         And its floor was made of fire

and above it were the heavenly lights

and the map of stars.


4.         The ceiling was also made of fire.

Then I  saw a glorious throne

that appeared to be of crystal

with wheels of the shining sun

with the appearance of angels.


5.         Then from under the throne

burst forth flames of fire

such that I could not comprehend.


6.         The Almighty sat on it

with a shining raiment

brighter than the sun

and whiter than snow.


7.         Neither could the angels

behold His face

due to His glory and magnificence.


8.         Physical flesh could not behold Him.

The flaming fire surrounded Him

and stood before Him

and no one could approach Him.


9.         Thousands stood before Him

yet He needed no assistance.

Those holy ones near to Him

could not leave His side.


10.       During this time I remained prostrate

with my face down in astonishment

and the Lord called me directly

and said for me to approach.


21.       He told me, Enoch, to listen.

Then one of the holy ones approached me

and picked me up and brought me to the door.

Then I bowed down my head.