The Book of Enoch: The Seers - Chapter 16

 1.         Then I heard His voice

and He told me not to fear

you righteous man

and scribe of righteousness.


2.         He told me to approach Him

and hear His voice

and to tell the Seers of heaven

who sent you to intercede for them:


3.         That they should be

interceding for humans

not humans interceding for them.

But they have left

the lofty holy eternal heaven

and mixed with human women

and degraded themselves

and taken human wives

as do the people of earth.

Then their children became degraded.


4.         Although they were once holy

and living a spiritual eternal life

they have defiled yourselves

with a life of women

and they begot a physical life

just as the people of humans

and lusted after the flesh

and the physical body

just as those whose body will die.


5.         Therefore I also gave them wives

so they could impregnate them

and beget their children.


6.         This was to give them all

they wanted in the physical world


7.         Yet you remained spiritual

having lived the eternal life

being immortal throughout

all lifetimes in the physical world.

So I did not give you wives

because as spiritual people of heaven

heaven is supposed to be your abode.


8          So now these fallen souls

growing within the physical body

will be considered carnal beings

within the physical realm.


9.         And the earth is their abode.

Wicked acts were done by their bodies

as they descend into human life

though the holy Seers

were their origin and beginning.


10.       They will be carnal earthly beings

and considered carnal beings

while the spirits of heaven

will continue to live in heaven.

But the beings of the universe

born within the physical world

will dwell in the universe.


11.       These people who are fallen

harm, oppress, attack and create war.

They bring destruction on the earth

and cause chaos and harm.

They may require minimal food

yet they hunger and thirst

and commit many offenses.


12.       It is these people

that will rise up

against the human people

and against the earthly women

though they were born from them.