Wisdom of Solomon Chapter Seven

The Wisdom of Solomon

Chapter 7

1.         I am a mortal man

like everyone else

and my human race

was created from the earth

and in my mother’s womb

My body formed from flesh.

2.         In a period of ten months

was I trapped within blood

after coming from a man’s seed

with the only comfort being sleep.

3.         Once I was born

I breathed in the outside air

and fell upon the ground

from which I was made

and my first words

were said by crying

as do so many others.

4.         I was nursed in diapers

and greatly cared for.

5.         Yet none of the kings

experienced a birth differently.

6,         For every human enters the same way

as they come into this world

just as they leave this world the same way.

7.         So therefore I asked

and was given understanding

and I called upon God

and the spirit of wisdom came over me.

8.         Then I preferred her

more than kingdoms and thrones

and respectful wealth

nothing compares to her.

9.         Neither can I compare her

to any precious stone.

For all gold in comparison

is like a little sand

and silver held up to her

can be counted as clay.

10.       I loved her greatly

above health and beauty

and chose her over light.

For her light can’t be put out.

11.       Now every good thing

has come with her

and uncountable wealth

has come through her hands.

12.       So I rejoiced for all these

for it is wisdom that rises

for I knew not that she

was the mother of them all.

13.       That I have learned innocently

and communicated without envy

as her wealth lays unhidden.

14.       She is an infinite treasure

for those who use her

will become friends of God

graced with the gift of devotion.

15.       So God let me speak

and then to be understanding

worthy of things given to me

because He is the guide of wisdom

and the director of the wise.

16.       For we are all in His hands

and our words and wisdom

become the knowledge

that professes our works.

17.       He has given me understanding

of the things we can know
the nature of the universe

and the merits of the elements.

18.       And the beginning and end

the trends of the times

the forks in the roads

and the changes of seasons.

19.       The transformations of time

and the dispositions of the stars.


20.       The personalities of animals

and the violence of wild beasts

the force of winds
and the reasoning of men

the diversities of plants

and the virtues of roots.

21.       All these things are hidden

and are not foreseen.

I have learned from wisdom

the doer of all things

taught me.

22.       For within her

is the spirit of understanding.

The Holy One

manifested and subtle

eloquent and active

undefiled and sure

sweet and loving

all that is good

quick yet never hindered

and beneficent.

23.       Gentle and kind

steady, assured and secure

having all authority

overseeing everything

containing all spirits

intelligent, pure and subtle.

24.       For wisdom is more active

than any active thing

and reaches everywhere

through her purity.

25.       For she is the essence

of the power of God

a surely pure emanation

of the glory of the Almighty

and therefore nothing defiled

will affect her.

26.       For she is the brightness

of the eternal light

and the unspotted mirror

of God's majesty

the image of His goodness.

27.       Even though she is one

she can do everything.

Though she remains the same

she renews everything

and by the people

she conveys herself

into the souls of the holy

and she makes friends

of God and prophets.

28.       For God loves those

within whom wisdom dwells.

29.       For her beauty

eclipses the sun

above the order of stars

and just like light

she is found within.


30.            After nighttime descends

wickedness never defeats wisdom.