Wisdom of Solomon Chapter Six

The Wisdom of Solomon

Chapter 6

1.         Wisdom is superior to strength

and a wise person

is superior to a strong person.

2.         Therefore rulers please listen

and understand you judges

and learn to the ends of the earth.

3.         Rulers of people listen

those given honor by many.

4.         For power is granted to you

by the Almighty

and the authority of the Most High

will examine your actions

and understand your thoughts.

5.         Because as ministers of His kingdom

you have not judged rightly

nor kept the law of justice

nor walked with the will of God.

6.         Awesome and quick will He appear

for a most precise examination

shall be in store for them who rule.

7.         For to those who are humble

mercy shall be given

but those who are confident

will be greatly challenged.

8.         God will not exempt the soul

nor is He awed by human excellence.

For He made the humble and the great

and cares equally for them all.

9.         So the greater challenges

will meet the more confident.

10.       Therefore you authorities

listen to my words

so that you may learn wisdom

and not reject it and fall.

11.       For those who keep righteousness

will become righteous

and those who have learned this

will have the answers.

12.       Therefore hold fast to my words

and care for them

and you will receive guidance.

13.       Wisdom is glorious

and never fades away.

She is easily seen

by those who love her

and she is easily found

by those who seek her.

14.       She protects those who care for her

and shows herself first to them.

15.       They who awaken early

to seek her out

will not be burdened

for they will find her
sitting at their door.

16.       So thinking about her

perfects our understanding

and one that watches for her

will fast become secure.

17.       For she will be worthy

of those who seek her

and she shows herself with joy

in ways and meet with providence.

18.       For her the beginning

is the true meaning of discipline.

19.       The focus of discipline is love

and love keeps her ways

and the keeping of her ways

is the foundation of righteousness.

20. For righteousness brings

us closer to God.

21.       Thus wisdom delivers

the eternal sanctuary.

22.       If you desire thrones and crowns

you rulers of people

then love wisdom

so you may reign for ever.

23.       Love the light of wisdom

those with authority over others.


24.            Know what wisdom is

and what caused her

and I declare this reveals

the mysteries of God.

So seek her out

from her beginnings

and deliver her knowledge

and gain the truth.

25. We should not consume envy

for such a person cannot

take part with wisdom.

26.       Yet the multitude of the wise

is the welfare of the world

and the wise rulers

support their people.

27.       Therefore receive the instruction

offered by these words

to offer you the benefits.