The Book of Enoch: The Second Sign

 This chapter in the Book of Enoch is often titled "The Second Parable." However, "Sign" is a better translation, as the text will indicate.

1.         This second sign concerns those

who abandon the teachings

of the venerable ones

and the Name of the Spiritual Lord.


2.         For they shall not rise

within the spiritual world

and will not rise on earth.


3.         This will be the fate

of the selfish who abandon

the Spiritual Lord’s name

and thus suffer the consequences.


4.         At that time His devoted

will be in the glorious place

and reckon their activities

and will settle in many places.


5.         Yes their spirits grow strong

when they know His devoted ones.


6.         And those calling His glorious Name

will be with His devoted ones.


7.         He has make the heavens

eternally blissful and illuminated

blessing the physical world

by sending His devoted ones there

excluding the selfish ones

who have no path there.


8.         He has provided tranquility

to His righteous ones

allowing them to stay with Him.

But selfish actions

all have consequences

and ruin ones earthly days.


9.         There I saw the Chief of Time

whose head was brightly illuminated

together with one so gracious

with human continence

like those of the holy angels.


10.       Then I asked the angel beside me

who explained all the mysteries

of the servant of humanity:

Who he was and where he was

and why he was with the Master of Time.


11.       He answered me saying:

This is the servant of humanity

within whom dwells righteousness

and reveals treasured mysteries.


12.       Because he is the representative

of the Spiritual Lord

he is held in high esteem

before the Spiritual Lord

for his eternal righteousness.


13.       The servant of humanity will elevate kings

and those in the seats of power

to loosen the reins of the strong

and chastise the selfish

who do not praise Him

nor humbly accept the world

which was bestowed upon them.


14.       He will turn away the strong

and they will be filled with shame

for their lives are in darkness

and they lie with the worms

without hope of rising

because they will not praise

the Name of the Spiritual Lord.


15.       They judge the luminaries

and run rampant in the world

and they live for it.


16.       Their actions are unrighteous

and their power

is derived from their wealth.


17.       They rely upon the gods

they made with their hands

while denying the Spiritual Lord.


18.       They harm the places

of His people

and those who rely on

the Spiritual Lord’s Names.


19.       At the same time

the prayers of the righteous

rise from the world

along with their soul

before the Spiritual Lord.


20.       During those times

the holy ones who live in heaven

will come together with one voice

to praise and worship

and give thanks in praise

to the Name of the Spiritual Lord

to atone the lives of the righteous

who made sacrifices.


21.       These prayers of the righteous

will not be ignored by God

and the consequences

for what was done to them

will not last forever.


22.       At that time I saw the Lord of Time

as He appeared on His glorious throne

and the records of the living

were opened before Him

and all those around Him

and His assistants were with Him.


23.       The ears of the holy

were filled with joy

as they made righteous offerings

and their prayers were heard

and the lives of the righteous life

were laid before the Spiritual Lord.


24.       There in that place I saw

the fountain of eternal holiness

surrounded by fountains of wisdom.


25.       Those who were thirsty consumed

and were filled with wisdom

and their chosen dwelling places

were righteous and holy.


26.       At that time the servant of humanity

was announced in the presence

of the Spiritual Lord

his chronicle presented

to the Lord of Time.


27.       Alas before the sun was created

before any signs appeared

before the heavenly stars were made

the Name of the Spiritual Lord exists.


28.       He is a staff for the holy

allowing them to remain steady.

He is the light of the atheists

and the hope for troubled souls.


29.       Everyone in the world

can lower their heads

and worship before Him

and praise and glorify

the Spiritual Lord

joyously with song.


30.       It is for this reason

He hides Himself eternally

from the creation

of the physical world.


31.       The Spiritual Lord’s wisdom

is revealed to the righteous and devoted.

For He keeps them close

because they hate materialism

and despise all its ways

for the sake of the Spiritual Lord.


32.       By His Name they are saved

and pleasing Him gives them life.


33.       In time the world’s rulers

will face tribulations

and strength shall reside

with those who work their hands

as they will possess the lands.


34.       At the time of their consequences

they cannot save themselves

and they will be managed

by God’s chosen ones.


35.       Just as straw will burn in fire

so shall they face

the heat of the devoted.


36. And just as lead sinks in water

so shall they sink

when they face the righteous

becoming lost without a trace.


37.       At the time of their consequences

there will be peace on earth

as they will fall and never rise again.


38.       No one will embrace them

and raise them up

because they denied the Spiritual Lord

and His devoted.


39.       Blessed be the Name of the Spiritual Lord

for wisdom pours out like water

and honor never fails before Him.


40.       For He is strong and all mysteries

about selfishness and righteousness

fade like a shadow without furtherance.


41.       Because the devoted take refuge

before the Spiritual Lord and His glory

for eternity and strength

through every lifetime.


42.       In Him lives the spirit of wisdom

the spirit that gives knowledge

the spirit of understanding and strength

and the spirit of those who rest in righteousness.


43.       They will know the mysteries

and no one can deceive the devoted

the Spiritual Lord is pleased with.


44.       At that time the holy devoted

will become apparent to them

and the light of time

will be upon them

and the holy will be blessed.


45.       During times of suffering

when the consequences of selfishness

shall be presented to the selfish

He will allow some to become aware

so they may have a change of heart

and be dismissed from the consequences

of those things they did.


46.       Maybe they didn’t glorify

the Name of the Spiritual Lord

yet through His Name

will they be saved.


47.       The Spiritual Lord

will have mercy on them

because His compassion is great.


48.       He is righteous on the day of reckoning

and in His presence

self-centeredness can’t be sustained

and at the day of reckoning

the selfish will be lost before Him.


49.       From that time forward

there will be no turning back

says the Spiritual Lord.


50.       At that time the material world

will return what has been entrusted to it.

The world will return what was given

and misery will return what is owed.


51.       Because at that time the devoted one

will rise and choose those who are holy

and righteous from among them.


52.       Because the time will come

when they receive their salvation.


53.       And the devoted will be seated

within His glory and his mouth

will pour forth all the mysteries of wisdom

that the Spiritual Lord has given to him

with His glory.


54.       Then the mountains will rise

and the hills will skip

like rams and lambs with milk

and the faces of angels

will light up in heaven.


55.       Then the world will rejoice

and the righteous will prosper

and the devoted will walk there.


56.       After that time in that place

I saw these mysteries

and was picked up in a torrent

that came from the west.


57.       There I saw some mysteries of heaven:

an iron mountain and a copper mountain

a silver mountain and a gold mountain

and a precious metals mountain and a lead mountain.


58.       I asked the angel who guided me:

what these mysteries I have seen are?


59.       He told me that all you see

serves those anointed ones

by giving them strength

and potency upon the earth.


60.       And these mines you have seen:

the mine of iron

the mine of copper

the mine of silver

the mine of soft metal

and the mine of lead:


61.       All these are guided

by the devoted one

just as wax melts in a fire

and like water that falls down from the sky

they will seek the mercy of his feet.


62.       Eventually none of them will be saved

either by gold or silver

nor be able to flee.


63.       Then there will be no iron to fight with

nor the ability to wear a breastplate.

Bronze will be of no avail

tin will not be valued

and lead will not be desired.


64.       Then all those things will disappear

from the surface of the earth.


65.       Then I looked at another part of the world

and saw a great valley that was burning.


66.       Here I saw leaders and mighty ones

being thrown into this deep valley.


67.       I saw how their tools

made with heavy iron metal.


68.       Then I asked the angel of peace

who traveled with me

about who those tools

were being made for?


69.       He told me that everything you’ve seen

serves the needs of His servants

who access His strength in this world.


70.       Then the angel of peace told me to wait

and the mysteries of the Lord of Spirits

will become revealed to me.


71.       You have seen these mountains:

The mountain of iron and the mountain of copper

the mountain of silver and the mountain of gold

the mountain of soft metals

and the mountain of lead.


72.       They are in the realm of His servant

and just as wax melts in a fire

and water streams down from above

they will become subjects before His feet.


73.       At that time no one can be saved

by their gold or their silver

or have the ability to escape.


74.       There will be no iron for fighting

nor breastplates available to wear

for bronze will not be helpful

nor will tin be available

nor will lead be wanted

for all these will in time

be destroyed on the earth.


75.       Then I looked at another part of the world

and saw a ravine burning with fire.

There they took the kings and strongmen

and started casting them into the ravine.


76.       There my eyes saw how

they made their tools

with heavy iron metal.


77.       So I asked the angel of peace with me

who the tools are being made for?


78.       He told me that these are being prepared

for those who serve Azazel so they can use them

to toss them into the abyss of consequences

as they cover their faces

as the Lord of Spirits instructed.


79.       Then Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Phanuel

will embrace them on that great day

and cast them into the testing grounds

so the Spiritual Lord may teach them

about their selfishness

and their service to materialism

and misleading others on earth.


80. At that time the consequences

will come from the Spiritual Lord

who will open the gates of the waters

that sit above in the skies

as well as the wells

beneath the surface of the earth.


81.       And all these waters will merge

like spirits above in the skies

and bodies upon the earth.


82.       And these will eliminate everyone

who lives within the world

and under the skies.


83.       Then after they realize their errors

they have brought upon the world

by these they will suffer consequences.


84.       In time the leader repented

understanding he harmed the people

of the world through vanity.


85.       He thus devoted himself

so he would not do this to others

within the world

and establish a pledge

within the spiritual world

to establish faith

between them for eternity.


86.       So long as the cover the earth

this pledge will remain with Him.


87.       The Spiritual Lord God said

at the time of reckoning

they will be chastised

by consequences brought on them.


88.       Those leaders who live on earth

will now see His devoted

as He sits on His throne of glory

as judgment is upon Azazel

and his associates and subjects

for the sake of the Spiritual Lord.


89.       Then with the angels

I saw the people of consequence

compromised by iron and bronze.


90.       Then I asked the angel of peace

who traveled with me

where are those with consequences going?


91.       Then he replied to me

that they were going to where

their devoted and beloved ones are

so they may be cast into learning

within the depths of the world.


92.       Then the depths of that world

will be filled with their devoted

and their beloved ones

and soon their lifetimes

will come to an end

and the time they were led astray

will become reconciled.


93.       At that time the angels will return

and throw themselves eastward

onto the Parthians and Medes.


94.       They will awaken the rulers

so the restless spirits

will rise from their thrones

and come forth like lions

from their lairs

like hungry wolves among flocks.


95.       Then they will trample

onto the land of His devoted

but the righteous city

will hinder their horses.


96.       Then they will fight among themselves

and one hand will overcome the other.


97.       They won’t see who is brother

nor son or father or mother

until the corpses are innumerable

after the slaughter

and thus their consequences

will not be ineffectual.


98.       Then Sheol will open up

and they will be swallowed.

Then their destruction will end

and Sheol will devour the selfish

in the presence of the devoted.


99.       Later I saw a multitude of ships

with people riding on them

coming with eastern winds

moving south by west.


100.     When they heard the ships’ noise

they were in turmoil

and the devoted ones remarked

that the pillars of the world

moved from their places

and that sound was heard then

throughout the spirit world.


101.     Then they will all fall prostrate

and worship the Spiritual Lord.


102.     Thus ends of second sign.