21:1 Now Yahweh watched over Sarah
just as He promised
the Almighty was there for Sarah.
21:2 Sarah became pregnant
and bore a son to Abraham
in his elderly years
just as God promised.
21:3 Abraham named the son
Sarah brought forth Isaac.
21:4 When his son Isaac was 8 days old
Abraham purified him
just as God instructed him.
21:5 Abraham was 100 years old
when his son Isaac was born.
21:6 Sarah said:
God has brought me laughter
and everyone who listens
will laugh with me.
21:7 And she also said:
Who would have told Abraham
that Sarah would nurse a child?
Yet I have delivered him a son
in his elderly years.
21:8 The child grew up and matured
and Abraham held a great feast
when Isaac came of age.
21:9 But Sarah noticed the son of Hagar
the Egyptian brought forth to Abraham
was joking about it.
21:10 So she said to Abraham:
Cast out that housemaid and her son
as her son won’t ever share
in the inheritance with my son Isaac.
21:11 This saddened Abraham greatly
because it related to his son.
21:12 But God spoke to him:
Don’t let this sadden you
about the boy and your housemaid.
Hear out what Sarah says
because through Isaac
will your teachings be carried on.
21:13 The son of the housemaid
will also lead many followers
because he comes forth from you.
21:14 Abraham rose early the next morning
took food and a vessel of water
and gave them to Hagar.
He gave them to her to carry
and sent her off with the boy.
She left on a journey
and traveled the
21:15 When the water
in the vessel ran out
she sat the boy down
under one of the bushes.
21:16 Then she walked over
and she sat down
within an bowshot away.
She could not watch the boy die.
As she sat down
the child began to cry.
21:17 God heard the boy
and the angel of God
spoke to Hagar from heaven:
Hagar why are you worried?
God has heard the boy
as he lay there.
21:18 Arise and pick up the lad
and give him a hug
for he will lead a great people.
21:19 Then God opened her eyes
and she saw a pool of water.
Then she filled the vessel
and let the boy drink.
21:20 God was with the boy
as he grew up.
He lived in the wilderness
and became an archer.
21:21 While living in the Paran wilderness
his mother brought him
a wife from
21:22 It came to pass that Abimelek
and his army chief Phicol
both said to Abraham:
God is with you
in everything you do.
21:23 Now pledge before God
not to cheat me
my children
or my followers.
Instead show me the kindness
I have shown you
and the land you inhabit.
21:24 Abraham replied:
I promise you this.
21:25 Then Abraham admonished Abimelek
concerning a water spring
that Abimelek's servants had taken over.
21:26 Yet Abimelek replied:
I know not who did this.
You did not tell me
I have just heard of it today.
21:27 Then Abraham brought sheep and oxen
and gave them to Abimelek
and the two men made a pact.
21:28 Abraham separated seven
ewe lambs from the flock.
21:29 Then Abimelek asked Abraham:
Why have you separated
these seven ewe lambs?
21:30 He replied:
Accept these seven lambs from me
as proof that I dug this well.
21:31 That place was called
because there they made a pact.
21:32 After the pact of
Abimelek and his army chief Phicol
returned to the land of the Philistines.
21:33 Abraham planted an orchard in
and there he praised
the Name of Yahweh
the Eternal God.
21:34 Then Abraham remained
in the land of the Philistines
for a long time.