The Book of Enoch: The Seers - Chapter One

 1.         These are the words of the blessed Enoch

who glorifies the devoted

and the righteous that arise:


2.         Living through times of consequence

when selfish atheists are abandoned

the righteous Enoch

brought forward this account:

My eyes were opened by God

and I had a vision

of the Holy One in the sanctuary

shown to me by the angels

as I heard everything from them

and from them I understood

what I saw was not for this society

but for another one

which will come in the future.


3.         With regard to the blessed ones

I described them in this way:

The Almighty Holy One will appear

from within His own abode.


4.         Then the eternal God

will walk the earth

and appear even on Mount Sinai

coming from His abode

to bring His strength

from the sanctuary of heaven.


5.         Humanity will shake with fear

and the Seers will be awestruck

and great fear and trembling

will overcome all around the world.


6.         Then the mountains will shake

and the steep hills shall collapse

and will melt like wax on a flame.


7.         Then the universe shall succumb

and all will perish

and be met with consequences.


8.         But the devoted will receive His peace

And the blessed will be protected

because mercy will be upon them.

They will all belong to God

and they shall prosper

because they will be blessed

and He will help all of them

and light will shine on them

because He will give them peace.


9.         Understand that He appears

with ten thousand holy ones

to bring understanding to all

and put an end to atheism.


10.       And to cleanse the physical realm

of all the activities of atheism

committed by unbelievers

and those tough things said

by the unbelievers about Him.