2:1 So thus became
the spiritual realm
and the physical world
completed in all their expanse.
2:2 By the seventh period of time
the Almighty finished His efforts
and during the seventh period of time
He rested from His work.
2:3 So the Almighty sanctified
the seventh period of time
and made it holy
because in that time
did He complete His creation
and rest.
2:4 This is the origin
of the spiritual realm
and the physical world
as they were made
when the Almighty God created
the world and the heavens.
2:5 At that time no trees
had yet grown from the ground
and no plant had yet sprouted
because the Almighty God
had not sent waters
and there was no one
to take care of the region.
2:6 But a mist arose
from the land
and wetted the surface
of the soil.
2:7 Then Almighty God created
a soul from the essence
of the realm
and breathed into him
the spirit of life.
And the soul
became a living being.
2:8 Almighty God established
a forest in the beginning
and there within Bliss
that He put the soul He created.
2:9 Almighty God created
many types of trees
to grow within the realm
trees pleasing to the eye
and good for food.
In the middle of the forest
was the tree of happiness
and the tree of knowledge
of pleasure and pain.
2:10 Purifying waters
flowed blissfully through the forest
separated by four elements.
2:11 The first accounted
for the increase in flow
that wound through the region
and circled the region
of shimmering splendor.
2:12 The splendor of that place
with precious stones beautiful
and aromatic resins.
2:13 The second accounted
for the turn about
into the dark region.
2:14 The third accounted
for the rapid nature
with which it flowed.
And the fourth accounted
for the fruitfulness
of the waters.
2:15 Almighty Yahweh brought forth
souls into the
to serve and care for it.
2:16 Almighty Yahweh instructed
the souls that they could eat
from any tree in the forest
2:17 but not to eat
from the tree of pleasure and pain
for eating that will certainly
cause spiritual death.
2:18 Almighty Yahweh designed
souls to bond with others
so they would not be alone.
2:19 From that place
Almighty Yahweh created
every beast that roamed the place
and those who flew in heaven.
They were presented to the soul
and they were all accounted for.
2:20 So the soul accounted
for all the creatures
that roamed the place
the birds that flew
in the sky
and all the beasts.
But for the soul
no suitable mate was found.
2:21 So Almighty Yahweh brought forth
from the core of the soul
while he was asleep
a part from within him.
2:22 Almighty Yahweh used
this core element from the soul
to make his mate
and brought them together.
2:23 The soul declared:
This is my essence
this is my family
and we shall be together
since she was created
from my self.
2:24 This is why a soul
who departs from the Creator
becomes united with a family
to make a community.
2:25 The soul and his mate
were both bare
and felt no shame.